Create a Logo, which includes the name name, for a glamping pod business called "Celtic Quartz Cabins". I want it to have a scenic Scottish background, a lake with trees and mountains
Image Style: RANDOM
Image Width: 512px
Image Height: 512px
Short Prompt: Create a Logo, which includes the name name, for a glamping pod business called "Celtic Quartz Cabins". I want it to have a scenic Scottish background, a lake with trees and mountains
Short Negative Prompt: --
Prompt: anthro Create a Logo, which includes the name name, for a glamping pod business called "Celtic Quartz Cabins". I want it to have a scenic Scottish background, a lake with trees and mountains illustration, hand-drawn, bold linework, anthro illustration, cel shaded, 4k, fine details, masterpiece
Negative Prompt: bad photo, terrible 3D render, bad anatomy, worst quality, greyscale, black and white, disfigured, deformed, glitch, cross-eyed, lazy eye, ugly, deformed, distorted, glitched, lifeless, low quality, bad proportions
Use Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
Image Seed: 86901664
Guidance Scale: 7

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