Image Style: RANDOM
Image Width: 512px
Image Height: 512px
Short Prompt: 咖喱小猫
Short Negative Prompt: --
Prompt: 咖喱小猫, best pixel art, neo-geo graphical style, retro nostalgic masterpiece, 128px, 16-bit pixel art of 咖喱小猫, 2D pixel art style, adventure game pixel art, inspired by the art style of hyper light drifter, masterful dithering, superb composition, beautiful palette, exquisite pixel detail
Negative Prompt: glitched, deep fried, jpeg artifacts, out of focus, gradient, soft focus, low quality, poorly drawn, blur, grainy fabric texture, text, bad art, boring colors, blurry platformer screenshot
Use Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
Image Seed: 887222727
Guidance Scale: 7

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