in a showroom 3 super cars on a sell. Background of the showroom should be park
Image Style: 3D Disney Character
Image Width: 768px
Image Height: 512px
Short Prompt: in a showroom 3 super cars on a sell. Background of the showroom should be park
Short Negative Prompt: --
Prompt: 3D cartoon Disney character portrait render. in a showroom 3 super cars on a sell. Background of the showroom should be park , bokeh, 4k, highly detailed, Pixar render, CGI Animation, Disney, cute big circular reflective eyes, dof, (cinematic film), Disney realism, subtle details, breathtaking Pixar short, fine details, close up, sharp focus, HDR, Disney-style octane render, incredible composition, superb lighting and detail, in a showroom 3 super cars on a sell. Background of the showroom should be park
Negative Prompt: worst quality, poorly drawn, bad art, boring, deformed, bad composition, crappy artwork, bad lighting
Use Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
Image Seed: 696453163
Guidance Scale: 7

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