Image Style: Tattoo Design
Image Width: 512px
Image Height: 512px
Short Prompt: RANDOM
Short Negative Prompt: \n/imagine prompt:\nA poodle playing by the seaside, accompanied by her owner with long legs and fair skin. The poodle is frolicking in the sand, her fluffy coat glistening in the sunlight as she chases seagulls and splashes in the waves. Her owner, elegant and graceful, stands nearby, smiling warmly as they enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery together.
Prompt: amazing tattoo design, Surrealism, Lake, Expressionism, Moon, Monkey, Panda, Pointillism, Banana, breathtaking tattoo design, incredible tattoo design
Negative Prompt: /imagine prompt:\nA poodle playing by the seaside, accompanied by her owner with long legs and fair skin. The poodle is frolicking in the sand, her fluffy coat glistening in the sunlight as she chases seagulls and splashes in the waves. Her owner, elegant and graceful, stands nearby, smiling warmly as they enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery together., low-quality, poorly drawn, blurry, faded, terrible design, worst quality, deformed, amputee, disfigured, ugly, bad, shitty, boring
Use Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
Image Seed: 536470795
Guidance Scale: 7

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