pretty blonde girl in bikini sitting on the beach from back with turned head with palms in background  and big waves photo style\n
Image Style: Tattoo Design
Image Width: 512px
Image Height: 512px
Short Prompt: pretty blonde girl in bikini sitting on the beach from back with turned head with palms in background and big waves photo style\n
Short Negative Prompt: --
Prompt: amazing tattoo design, pretty blonde girl in bikini sitting on the beach from back with turned head with palms in background and big waves photo style\n, breathtaking tattoo design, incredible tattoo design
Negative Prompt: low-quality, poorly drawn, blurry, faded, terrible design, worst quality, deformed, amputee, disfigured, ugly, bad, shitty, boring
Use Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
Image Seed: 226254724
Guidance Scale: 7

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